failed openstudio simulation with low temp radiant variable flow
Hi, I'm just starting to learn openstudio so be patient. I modeled a residential building with radiator system and the simulation was successful. then I wanted to simulate a radiant floor, and I used the measure "AedgOfficeHvacRadiantDoas". I've seen that the measure has changed some things: - created internal source (on the tab Constructions) that i've added in interior surface. - (on the tab thermal zone) replaced with temperature radiant variable flow in the zone that there was "Zone HVAC Baseboard Rad Conv Water" - (on the tab HVAC systems) created 4 new plants loop, deleting the old plant loop - (on the tab schedule) created 8 new schedules for the new plant loop. the simulation failed and I tried to clear the two ventilation systems because I did not want to simulate this system. obviously the problem was not there, so the simulation failed again. can anyone help me? thank you very much
It would be helpful if you could post the eplusout file located in the run folder under the folder with the name of your model.
the file eplusout (file mtd) is empty. the other file eplusout (.err, .end, ...) i cant'open. only the file run because it's a text.
thanks avi. i've opened the file .err with notepad and i've seen that some surface with internal source haven't the same number of layers of adjacent surface.