how to run parametric analysis on local server

asked 7 years ago

mariogi2015's avatar

updated 7 years ago

Hi, I need to run analysis variing multiple parameters possibly continously, not by steps as I normally do on the PAT. I now have the possibility to run them on a 32 cores, 64Gb RAM server with the latest Ubuntu OS but I cannot understand how to install on this server Openstudio ( and I cannot go by tries because is the faculty server) so I can perform the parametric analysis on it launching them from my laptop. Is there any suggestion or protocol to do that?

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I followed the instructions till the creation of the vagrantfile and the installation of a box but I cannot go further. Although giving the command "vagrant up" nothing happens. How can I do? More wich box I should get in vagrant to use openstudio PAT?

mariogi2015's avatar mariogi2015  ( 7 years ago )