Clarification needed - Report: Sensible Heat Gain Summary
Can someone once and for all help me understand the Sensible Heat Gain Summary table and how it relates to the end use table? Here are my questions:
What efficiencies are factored in from sensible gains HVAC heating/cooling numbers to get to end use table?
What is the difference between the first 2 columns and column 3-4 on sensible gain summary table? One says zone equipment and the other terminal units, I am not sure if that is trying to separate the AHU level from zone somehow?
On cooling columns, why is one number positive and one negative under "zone & other" and "terminal unit" columns?
The tables below are from a building with DOAS + FCUs, so it kinda makes sense to me if I read it as some cooling happens at AHU level (HVAC Zone Eq and Other sensible air) and some at terminal (HVAC terminal unit sensible air cooling). Not sure why I don't see terminal level heating with this example but that might be due to something wrong at terminal FCUs.
Gains Summary:
End uses:
Hi, I am wondeirng if this problem has been saved as I encounters similar issue as in ur gains summary uploaded. I do not understand why 'HVAC Zone Eq & Other Sensible Air Cooling [kWh]' and 'HVAC Terminal Unit Sensible Air Cooling [kWh]' are posstive and negative value respectively if they both stand for cooling action. Does it mean some unintended reheating happened at terminal end?
Amir Rezaei it would be helpful to have this idf file to test the fix. Please post a link here or send to