Where can I find a weather file for my Location?
How can I get a weather file for <Location>
please ?
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How can I get a weather file for <Location>
please ?
Places where you can search for free weather files are for example:
There are two Meteonorm files on the EnergyPlus Support files here
There is a MeteonormReadme.txt that you must read for limitations about Meteonorm files if you aren't familiar with it.
A few general recommendations:
Please always search for existing questions, for example:
in general neither is UnmetHours nor the EnergyPlus support group a good place to ask for random weather files. Try to find them yourself, and if you can't, then order them from a commercial website (see the two questions above).
http://www.ladybug.tools/epwmap/ has a nice interactive map interface of weather files across the globe. Double-click on a location to download the weather file.
Just to throw another option if you are looking for an automated solution, the Get Site from Building Component Library OpenStudio measure downloads an epw, ddy, and stat file from a zip code lookup.
I don't know what tools you are using but, this measure specifically or the BCL API by itself can provide this functionality to other modeling and simulation tools.
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Asked: 2017-10-15 03:01:09 -0600
Seen: 1,565 times
Last updated: May 31 '18