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heat pump consumption on TRNSYS

asked 2017-10-14 03:03:27 -0500

reza's avatar

updated 2017-10-14 11:40:27 -0500

Hi there,

I have a problem with a project that done years ago.

Heat pump Consumption base what article said was 44793 and 6434 MJ in heating and cooling respectively.

But the chart below in that article shows that total HP energy consumption is 127000 MJ total.

How that he got those numbers (44793 and 6434) from this chart.

Please help me with it

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answered 2017-11-02 16:02:46 -0500

Tim McDowell's avatar

Without looking at the project it is impossible to know exactly what is being plotted on the screen. However, it is more likely that any results are being taking from the output from a printer component rather than from the on-line display.

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Asked: 2017-10-14 03:03:27 -0500

Seen: 180 times

Last updated: Nov 02 '17