Steam to HW Loop Error in OpenStudio
I am working on a project that has a district plant, and due to the fact that it is a LEED project, I need to create a steam to HW plant in my model. I have created two loops, a HW loop with all of my HW coils in the project and a fluid to fluid HX, and a steam loop with a steam boiler and the fluid to fluid HX.
When I try to run this I get the following error:
I have the steam plant sizing set to "steam" with appropriate temps and the plantloop fluid type set to "steam". Has anyone had any experience with this error in OS? It seems like an issue in converting the OS model to a E+ idf. I have had this error any time I try to model a primary/secondary loop with a HX as well. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Taylor, How did you expose the steam boiler? Could you post the script?