No change in Zone Temperature before/after "Wind and Stack Open Area" measure
I'm using openstudio 1.11.1
and E+ 8-5-0
My building has many windows with different dimensions and I want to make them operable.
I used Add Wind and Stack Open Area measure and set the dimensions of the windows then I ran the model.
However, I obtained the same results for the temperature as without "Add Wind and Stack Open Area", i.e., same results as when the windows are fixed type. Is that possible?
I think I may have a problem with the determination of the open area and average window height values. Any advice to input correct values?
Is the open area in the measure "Wind and Stack Open Area" means the total area of of window in meter square (width*height)? what about the window height, is it in meter or meter square? @David Goldwasser
Please include a link to said Measure... Are you talking about Add Wind and Stack Open Area?
It would also be great if you could proof the spelling in your posts too, and no need for extra punctuation (eg: one "!" is more than enough). Note that all recent internet browsers allow you to use a Spell Checker, and you can add an English dictionary for that. I did it for you for this time, please review.
Ok, now that the uninteresting stuff is out of the way, let's get back to your question. There's a ton of reasons why it wouldn't produce different temperatures... The first one would be that the measure wasn't configured properly or didn't run (eg: you might have set the Min/Max temps such as it would never occur during the simulation). There's no way to tell what the measure did or didn't do in the current form of your question. Can you at least post a resulting
from the E+ IDF file generated after you ran the measure?I think I have problem with determination the open area and average window height values. since I set the Min/Max temperature according to the temperature values that obtained for the fixed window results. Any advice to input correct values for open area and average window height?
I just checked the IDF file I found no results for ZoneVentilation:WindandStackOpenArea.