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Applying schedule sets / construction sets clarification question [closed]

asked 2017-06-26 15:45:10 -0500

ytliang's avatar

updated 2017-06-27 10:11:15 -0500

(Using OpenStudio version 2.1.1 for this)

In OpenStudio, I see multiple places to apply "Default Construction Set" and "Default Schedule Set" to a model.

  1. In the "Facilities" tab - "Building" subtab. From my understanding, this applies to the entire model.
  2. In the "Facilities" tab - "Stories" subtab. From my understanding, this applies to one story of the model if the model has multiple stories.
  3. In the "Space Types" tab. From my understanding, this tab contains a library of space-types (each with its specific schedule/construction sets) that will be applied to a"Space"
  4. In the "Spaces" tab, it provides a spot to apply "Space type" (chosen from a list of space type defined in the "space types" tab, I assume), but then it provides another opportunity to define "default construction set" and "default schedule set".

Which option overpowers which? Is it the more general description will be overwritten by the more specific description? I am trying to get a clear picture here so I can work more efficiently.

From a post here I've come to the understanding that applying space-wise schedule/construction sets will overwrite the whole building schedule/construction sets. But why are there multiple spots to apply schedule/construction sets for a space? (points 3 and 4 mentioned above)

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by ytliang
close date 2017-06-27 10:12:59.600806

1 Answer

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answered 2017-06-26 16:25:12 -0500

updated 2017-06-27 02:31:50 -0500

See Model Object overview here, especially the inheritance section:

OpenStudio inheritance

Basically the logic is that it starts at the most specific, and goes up to the most general. Once it finds something, it stops going up.


Let's take a simple use case to illustrate how you would set up a (simple) real world building. Let's say you have a 10-story building, with a basement, and you have stairwells on the perimeter of the building. All of your building has the same construction used for exterior walls, except the basement, and the stairwells. For simplicity's sake, let's say the interior floor and walls are the same throughout.

You would create a construction set with all surface types (windows, interior floor, walls, exterior walls, roofceiling, etc) and apply that to the whole building. You would then create two additional construction sets:

  • One for the basement, where you only assign the exterior wall construction that corresponds to the basement exterior walls. You apply this to the basement building story (and make sure all basement spaces are assigned this building story of course...)
  • One for the stairwells, where you only assign the exterior wall construction that corresponds to the stairwells exterior walls. You create a Space Type called "Stairwell" and assign it to all stairwells spaces. You assign the stairwell construction type to the "Stairwell" Space Type.

What OpenStudio would then do:

  • For anything but exterior walls, it won't find any construction assigned at a deeper level of inheritance than the building, so it would use the construction set you have defined at the building level (make sure all surface/subsurfacetypes used in your model do have a construction defined, otherwise it'll crash when you run the simulation).
  • For exterior walls: if it's a space that has the Stairwell Space Type, then it will use the stairwell construction, even if it's a stairwell located in the "Basement" building story (SpaceType is at a deeper level of inheritance than Story!). If it's not a stairwell, and if it's in the basement building story, then it uses the basement construction set.

This is how you would leverage inheritance to be able to define the constructions only where needed. You only had to the define exterior walls three times, and you only had to define the rest once (huge time saver!). I hope this clarifies it a bit.

Last, there's the case where the surface is adiabatic. In this case you need to hard assign the construction to the surface (there's a User Script in the Skechup Plugin to do that conveniently), since the construction set currently doesn't allow to define a surface type "Adiabatic".

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Ohh ok. I see. So the specific ones overpowers the general ones. So therefore, if I want to apply a schedule set / construction set to the whole model, I should make sure not to indicate anything at the Space/Space Type/Story level?

ytliang's avatar ytliang  ( 2017-06-26 16:38:32 -0500 )edit

That is correct. To further clarify the logic, see my edit. If that solved your problem, please mark the answer as accepted to flag the thread as resolved (lately we have way too many questions that are still open while they seem to have been solved)

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2017-06-27 02:19:07 -0500 )edit

And if one indicated something at the Space/Space Type/Story level, is there any method to undo that setting/reset the data inheritance?

IanVG's avatar IanVG  ( 2023-08-01 13:26:16 -0500 )edit

No. Clone the space type, and change it. The Inheritance is meant to be used with the common subset of things, same as the way it's used in programming.

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2023-08-14 08:24:01 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2017-06-26 15:45:10 -0500

Seen: 544 times

Last updated: Jun 27 '17