VRF Outdoor Air Autosizing Problem
I am modeling a DOAS with VRF system. The space has VAV box provides OA and then go through the VRF terminal unit with plenum air.
From the measure VRFwithDOAS system, in the VRF terminal sizing, the Outdoor Air Flow Rate is set to 0, is this correct ? Because I found it will give different cooling energy and heating energy if those three values are set to 0 or auto sizing.
From the Input out reference, it says "This input field is set to zero flow when the VRF terminal unit is connected to an AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Mixer object." So when it is connected to a VAV box, should these three parameters set to 0 ? Thank you
I think this should set Autosized, otherwise the OA flow is 0 when there is heating/ cooling demand from the VRF terminal. Actually, when there is cooling/heating demand, the OA will modulate. Any comments ?