Open studio intersection errors. 2.1.0
I am using Sketchup 2017 and OpenStudio 2.1.0 and when I intersect either in selection or entire model open studio adds the new lines but all of the new surfaces have the original surface ###. Making it impossible to match and when you close and reopen the model, all of the duplicate surfaces are not rendered leaving the model pretty much useless. I have replicated the issue on three different machines in the office with new and previous models. I am wondering if this is an issue with Sketchup 2017 or the OpenStudio 2.1.0? Desperate for help!!!
Same SU and OS version here... Surface matching tool is completely useless for me. Only very few internal wall will be recognized, but most of the internal slabs won't.
If you still see this please send me the model at I can't replicate two surfaces with same surface number after an intersect. I do see cases where Surface matching in SketchUp Plugin doesn't find all matches in model, but surface matching measures in OS app does.