Incorporating occupant behavior in Energy Simulation
I have seen several studies that performed co-simulation of occupant behavior model with energy simulation. The main idea behind those studies are in giving the occupants an option to choose various behavioral options (thermostat up/down, heater/fan ON) and represent the effects of these actions at each time step of EnergyPlus simulation run.
My question is this. Let the thermostat set point in a zone is 21 degree celcius. Let us assume that in the first time step, the occupants in a zone chose to up the thermostat by +1, i.e., the thermostat set point for that time step would 22. Now, suppose in the next time step occupants selected the option of turning on the heater. My question is for the second time step, what would be the thermostat set point? WIll it be 22 or 21? Because, occupants did not choose a thermostat set point up for the time step-2.
Thanks, Albert