Overriding Hydronic economizer with air cooled gas heatpump in EnergyPlus
Hi, My system has a cooling tower that provides condenser water to a hydronic economizer. When the outside air temperatures below 17°C the chilled water from the demand side of the hydronic economizer is fed into the chilled water demand loop(cooling coils and radiant slabs). When the outside air temperature exceeds 17°C, the hydronic economizer is shut and an air cooled gas heat pump feeds the chilled water demand loop. The aircooled gas heat pump also feeds the hot water demand loop (heating coils and radiant slabs).
Based on this question, I used a ChillerHeater:Absorption:DirectFired component to model the air-cooled gas heat pump. And based on this question, I tried overriding the non-integrated hydronic economizer with the ChillerHeater component.
As the (air-cooled) ChillerHeater:Absorption:DirectFired component does not have a condenser water loop, the condenser side inlet and outlet were modeled as outdoorair:nodes. For the hydronic economizer (HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid component), I am not sure what node name should be used in the field "Component Override Loop Demand Side Inlet Node Name". This is similar to this question but I do no see an answer there.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you, Raghu