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The cooling load of result report is 0 in openstudio

asked 7 years ago

Done's avatar

updated 7 years ago

I made a simple model with the ideal air load system, I only want to see the room load in the natural situation. But the cooling load from the output report is 0. Can anyone give me some tips? I have set Cooling Thermostat Schedule

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You need to add more detail to this question in order for people to be able to give you meaningful answers. I also don't believe people are going to contact you via that email address.

Adam Hilton's avatar Adam Hilton  ( 7 years ago )

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answered 7 years ago

Make sure you define BOTH a Heating Thermostat Schedule AND a Cooling Thermostat Schedule, even if you have no heating (put the heating tstat schedule to 0°C or whatever). If you don't do that, the thermostat:dualsetpoint isn't created when the model is forward translated and you end up with no cooling and no heating.

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thank you! I can get the cool load while I set the Heating Thermostat Schedule.

Done's avatar Done  ( 7 years ago )

I'd appreciate it if you could upvote the answer if you found it helpful, and more importantly mark it as accepted since it solved your problem so that we can flag the thread as closed (please read the Help Page). Thanks.

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 7 years ago )

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Asked: 7 years ago

Seen: 2,266 times

Last updated: Apr 10 '17