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DesignBuilder Energy Efficiency Measures

asked 2017-04-05 15:56:15 -0500

Ladan's avatar

updated 2017-04-13 11:48:45 -0500


Does anyone have a suggestion about running Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM/ECMs) in DesignBuilder in an efficient manner? You can create your baseline and manually make each single change, such as change the U-value of roof, one by one in each simulation. But the problem is when your baseline is changed. Your work is wasted when you make a change in your baseline. I want to know if you have any suggestions for this process In DesignBuidler.

Thanks for your help in advance.


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2 Answers

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answered 2017-04-10 22:38:38 -0500

Vern Smith's avatar

Under the Tools Menu, select Optimisation/Parametric Analysis Settings. From there, under Design Variables enter the variables that you want to explore. The Parametric settings can also be accessed under the Simulation tab. DesignBuilder creates a copy of the base model, changes the specified parameters, and runs the simulations. Be sure to read the help files before starting this. Start simple, one variable at a time, to learn how the process works.

Another way to do it is to copy the base model (save as a different name), make changes, and run it. Do this for each scenario you want to review. So, changing the roof U-value from 25 to 40 in increments of 5 requires 4 separate simulations.

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Thanks. My problem with using "Parametric Analysis" in DesignBuilder is that the outputs do not include energy consumption by end-use (i.e. heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, etc ) and it is hard to justify the results without knowing which type of energy is increased/decreased by applying a change to the baseline model. I use your second suggestion most of the time. However, the problem is that the baseline is not linked to the EEM models. One change in the baseline, will make the other runs useless. If they were connected, EEMs would have been updated when baseline changed. Thanks

Ladan's avatar Ladan  ( 2017-07-17 11:04:53 -0500 )edit

answered 2017-04-12 02:29:06 -0500

Dave's avatar

Vern highlights two useful options. Another way to store multiple results sets from iterations with different ECMs is to use the Simulation Manager option in the simulation calculations options dialog. Many people associate this with the ability to run simulations on the cloud or network servers, but it can also be used to run simulations on the local machine and store the results sets. Make sure you give each calculation a unique/meaningful name so you can find what you want more easily later. See the Help file for details on the Simulation Manager.

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Thank you very much for your help.

Ladan's avatar Ladan  ( 2017-07-17 10:59:13 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2017-04-05 15:56:15 -0500

Seen: 2,260 times

Last updated: Apr 12 '17