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Simulating for typical summer and typical winter day

asked 2017-03-30 13:07:21 -0600

Jéssicamarasantos's avatar

updated 2017-03-30 17:53:12 -0600

I would like to know how I can simulate a building using the Design Builder for a typical summer and winter day of a specific city. I've already got the climate date from the city. However, I don't know where I should enter with the data on Design Builder. Do I get the simulation separately for each condiction( typical summer and typical winter day) ?

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answered 2017-03-31 02:23:52 -0600

Dave's avatar

DesignBuilder uses the ASHRAE location data set at site level to identify the "typical" (and also the peak/design) summer and winter weeks, and you can then select those weeks or a specific day within those weeks from the simulation calculation options which allow you to simulate any period from 1 day to 1 year. If you have your own weather data you will need to create your own weather file for the full year that includes the data for the periods you want to simulate – use a weather data tool such as Elements or see the DB Help file for information on that. The reason for your analysis isn't clear, but presumably you are looking to generate energy/comfort data for “typical” summer/winter conditions rather than for example sizing HVAC systems at “peak” summer/winter conditions. Running a 1-day simulation is not the same as a design day or sizing simulation. If you want to size systems use the DesignBuilder “Heating Design” or “Cooling Design” calculation tabs. If you only want to simulate for energy/comfort analysis on a specific day then set that date in the calculation options and run two separate simulations for the summer and winter days. Please ensure your warm-up period is sufficient for a short-duration simulation, see more information here in the DesignBuilder Help on that: period. If you need any further information please contact the DesignBuilder Support Desk.

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Asked: 2017-03-30 13:07:21 -0600

Seen: 1,103 times

Last updated: Mar 31 '17