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OS Model doesn't add schedule name to "Number of People Schedule Name" field in People object

asked 2017-03-24 11:11:09 -0500

nigusse's avatar

updated 2017-03-27 10:58:12 -0500

I am testing to create an OS Model of a single zone served with PTHP using CSharp binding method. I see all the OS and E+ objects created correctly.

One thing missing is that schedule name is not added to Number of People Schedule Name field of the People object (it is blank) but the schedule object is created correctly and is in the model. However, schedule names are correctly added to other People's object fields such as "Activity Level Schedule Name", "Work Efficiency Schedule Name", and "Clothing Insulation Schedule Name".

I tested it in OS version 2.0.2 and 2.0.05, both show the same problem. Lights, and ElectricEquipment objects also show the same problem. Am I missing something here?

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answered 2017-03-24 15:52:14 -0500

nigusse's avatar

updated 2017-03-27 10:59:06 -0500

Resolved. I removed the Unit Type input field from OS:ScheduleTypeLimits object when creating the schedules for People, Lights and ElectricEquipment objects.

Why not we use key input value of Fraction for this input field when creating lighting, people, and electric equipment schedules? I was expecting the Dimensionless key input value to work with this objects but it did not. This schedule values are dimensionless multipliers of the peak value. Just a thought!

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I don't think the problem actually stems from "Unit Type" for the Number of People Schedule.

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2017-03-27 11:53:21 -0500 )edit

answered 2017-03-27 12:12:13 -0500

updated 2017-03-27 13:57:45 -0500

I don't think "Unit Type" is at fault here for Number of People Schedule, as long as you use either empty, dimensionless, availability or controlmode, you're fine.

Since this can be confusing to track down for anyone who's first digging in the source code, these kind of rules are defined in ScheduleTypeRegistry.cpp. Here's an extract circa L273:

// className, scheduleDisplayName, scheduleRelationshipName, isContinuous, unitType, lowerLimitValue, upperLimitValue;
{"People","Number of People","numberofPeopleSchedule",true,"",0.0,1.0},
{"People","Activity Level","activityLevelSchedule",true,"ActivityLevel",0.0,OptionalDouble()},
{"People","Work Efficiency","workEfficiencySchedule",true,"",0.0,1.0},
{"People","Clothing Insulation","clothingInsulationSchedule",true,"ClothingInsulation",0.0,OptionalDouble()},

So here, you might get that you need a number of people schedule that is Continuous, no Unit Type, and between 0 and 1. Not that simple!

Then it gets a bit trickier, and I'll give you the semi-short story. ScheduleTypeRegistry > isCompatible will:

  • Ignore the Numeric Type (Discrete or Continuous)
  • Check the unit type which in turns calls ScheduleTypeLimits::units, esp L310, which is where you'll see that here really since the ScheduleTypeRegistry is expecting empty for unit type, you could use Dimensionless, availability or controlmode as well. If you use say "Temperature", it won't work.
  • Check the lower and upper limit values, that must be included in the [0;1] interval ([0.3;0.7] will work). They MUST be set!

Here's some code to play with and to demonstrate what I'm saying:

# Initialize an empty model with a people object
model =
people_def =
people =

# Create a sch type limits
sch_limit =

# Above 0.0 included
# Less than 1.0 included

# Whether you include the following two statements or not, it doesn't care
# If you put "Temperature", it'll fail
# It should be Continuous but it is ignored...

# Create a schedule and set the schedule type limit
sch =

# Assign the schedule, and check what the result is:

=> true
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Asked: 2017-03-24 11:11:09 -0500

Seen: 528 times

Last updated: Mar 27 '17