What is the conversion from MBtu to kWh?
From the HVAC Load Profile, is 1 MBtu equal to 1 000 000 Btu? And is 1 Btu equal to 0.00029307106944 kWh? Or can you say how many kWh is 1 MBtu?
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From the HVAC Load Profile, is 1 MBtu equal to 1 000 000 Btu? And is 1 Btu equal to 0.00029307106944 kWh? Or can you say how many kWh is 1 MBtu?
Welcome to IP units. I'm sure you'll love it (cough). My advice, always question whether "M" is meant as Mega (10^6) or the roman number M (10^3), I've seen it differ. I've made a personal habit, when working in IP units, to write kBTU for 10^3 and mmBTU (10^6) as to avoid any confusion.
As far as OpenStudio goes, they mean Mega (10^6).
Here's the proof, using the ruby bindings:
[1] julien(main)> OpenStudio::convert(1,"MBtu","Btu").get
=> 1000000.0
1MBtu = 1000 Btus.
In MBtu, M is used as Roman numeral where M = 1000.
1MBtu = 0.293 kWh
and 1 MMBtu = 1,000,000 Btus
Try this.
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Asked: 2017-03-21 13:19:02 -0600
Seen: 1,985 times
Last updated: Mar 24 '17
Welcome to IP units. I'm sure you'll love it. My advice, always question whether "M" is meant as Mega (10^6) or the roman number M (10^3), I've seen it differ. I've made a personal habit, when working in IP units, to write kBTU for 10^3 and mmBTU (10^6) as to avoid any confusion.