The cooling and heating set point temperatures are controlled using the Control Type Schedule Name input field. This example shows a heating set point in winter and a cooling set point in summer. In the control type schedule, 1 = heating, 2 = cooling, 3 = the same cooling and heating set point temperature, and 4 = dual set point control (2 temperatures). When the single cooling and/or heating thermostats are used only a single set point temperature is active at any point during the simulation, for example in winter there is only a heating set point temperature and cooling will not occur. Same for cooling.
Zone 2 Thermostat, !- Name
EAST ZONE, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:SingleHeating, !- Control 1 Object Type
Heating Setpoint with SB,!- Control 1 Name
ThermostatSetpoint:SingleCooling, !- Control 2 Object Type
Cooling Setpoint with SB;!- Control 2 Name
Zone Control Type Sched, !- Name
Control Type, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 3/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 3
Through: 9/30, !- Field 5
For: AllDays, !- Field 6
Until: 24:00,2, !- Field 7
Through: 12/31, !- Field 9
For: AllDays, !- Field 10
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 11
Heating Setpoint with SB,!- Name
Heating Setpoints; !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Cooling Setpoint with SB,!- Name
Cooling Setpoints; !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Heating Setpoints, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 7:00,15.0, !- Field 3
Until: 17:00,20.0, !- Field 5
Until: 24:00,15.0; !- Field 7
Cooling Setpoints, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 7:00,30.0, !- Field 3
Until: 17:00,24.0, !- Field 5
Until: 24:00,30.0; !- Field 7
In this next example, there are 2 set point temperatures, one for heating and one for cooling. Remember that control type = 4 means dual set point temperatures. Heating and cooling can occur any time during the year depending on the zone loads and zone temperature with respect to the 2 temperature set points.
Zone 2 Thermostat, !- Name
EAST ZONE, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Dual Setpoint with DB; !- Control 1 Name
Zone Control Type Sched, !- Name
Control Type, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,4; !- Field 3
Dual Setpoint with DB, !- Name
Heating Setpoints, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Cooling Setpoints; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name