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EnergyPlus SQL Query for SHGC

asked 2017-02-13 17:06:08 -0600

sspielman's avatar

updated 2017-02-14 07:44:37 -0600

I have been using DB browser to query EnergyPlus inputs and outputs for information. However, I can't seem to find glazing SHGC and visible transmittance included anywhere. It is shown in the output HTML table, so I assume it is included somewhere in the SQL file. Can anyone point me to the table which includes this information in the SQL file?

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2 Answers

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answered 2017-02-15 09:15:55 -0600

First, you'll have to get the ID of the row that contains this window construction.

For this example, assume that the name of the window construction in the IDF is Window Cons A

Note the window construction name must be all uppercase in the query, even if not uppercase in the IDF.

 row_id = "SELECT RowName
              FROM tabulardatawithstrings
              WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary'
              AND ReportForString='Entire Facility'
              AND TableName='Exterior Fenestration'
              AND Value='WINDOW CONS A'"

Next, get the SHGC using the row ID

  shgc = "SELECT Value
              FROM tabulardatawithstrings
              WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary'
              AND ReportForString='Entire Facility'
              AND TableName='Exterior Fenestration'
              AND ColumnName='Glass SHGC'
              AND RowName=row_id"

You can replace Glass SHGC with Glass Visible Transmittance or Glass U-Factor in the second query to get these other properties too.

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answered 2017-02-19 14:27:38 -0600

Here's a query that should prove useful to return a table of characteristics for fenestration:

SELECT DISTINCT t1.Value as Fenestration, t2.Value as SHGC, t3.Value as VT, t4.Value as 'U-Factor'
FROM TabularDataWithStrings t1

LEFT JOIN TabularDataWithStrings t2
              ON t1.RowName = t2.RowName

LEFT JOIN TabularDataWithStrings t3
              ON t1.RowName = t3.RowName

LEFT JOIN TabularDataWithStrings t4
              ON t1.RowName = t4.RowName

WHERE t1.ReportName='EnvelopeSummary'
              AND t1.ReportForString='Entire Facility'
              AND t1.TableName='Exterior Fenestration'
              AND t1.ColumnName='Construction'
              AND t1.Value != ''

              AND t2.ReportName='EnvelopeSummary'
              AND t2.ReportForString='Entire Facility'
              AND t2.TableName='Exterior Fenestration'
              AND t2.ColumnName='Glass SHGC'

              AND t3.ReportName='EnvelopeSummary'
              AND t3.ReportForString='Entire Facility'
              AND t3.TableName='Exterior Fenestration'
              AND t3.ColumnName='Glass Visible Transmittance'

              AND t4.ReportName='EnvelopeSummary'
              AND t4.ReportForString='Entire Facility'
              AND t4.TableName='Exterior Fenestration'
              AND t4.ColumnName='Glass U-Factor'

This returns a table like so:

Fenestration, SHGC, VT, U-Factor
ASHRAE 189.1-2009 EXTWINDOW CLIMATEZONE 4-5, 0.352, 0.442, 2.559
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Asked: 2017-02-13 17:06:08 -0600

Seen: 325 times

Last updated: Feb 19 '17