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Can I change the temperature range in the report?

asked 2016-12-30 07:59:44 -0500

poppo92's avatar

updated 2016-12-30 08:19:58 -0500

Hi there. Open studio's report gives some range temperatures. Is it possible to change them somewhere? for example there is 78-83 F. Is it possible to make it more precise? maybe 78-80 and another column for 80-83. thanks image description

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answered 2016-12-30 12:20:05 -0500

You could create a custom copy of the Report that had more columns, but to create this table the measure already requests hourly zone temperatures for all zones for the entire run period. You could open ResultsViewer and view a heat map for specific zones you want to inspect.

If you wanted the flood map in a reporting measure, you could adapt the [Meter Flood Plot] measure( to plot any variable.

Probably not what you want, but I thought I'd mention the View Data measure puts time series surface or zone variables on 3d geometry that you can animate over the year.

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If you did want to change a local copy of your measure, this is the line you want to change. It is in the os_lib_reporting.rb file in the resources directory. I didn't know how many columns and what ranges I wanted, so I set it up to be easily changed. It's line number 2669 (big file)

temperature_bins_temps_ip = [56, 61, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 83, 88]

Also noticed you have an older version of the measure that was missing the 83-88 column. You can download a newer copy of the measure here or get 1.14.0.

David Goldwasser's avatar David Goldwasser  ( 2016-12-30 12:22:48 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2016-12-30 07:59:44 -0500

Seen: 130 times

Last updated: Dec 30 '16