What your opinion of building energy simulation and optimization tools?

asked 8 years ago

TianZhichao's avatar

updated 8 years ago

Hi everyone

Recently, I am conducting an online survey about building energy simulation and optimization tools, such as DesignBuilder Optimization module, BEOpt and GenOpt. I'd like to know early users' opinion other than researchers'. If you ever used any energy simulation and optimization software, could you please help answer the fellow three questions in https://sojump.com/jq/10264875.aspx.

1.Which building energy simulation and optimization (BESO) software do you ever used?

2.Which advantages agree with the current features of BESO softwere ?

3.Which hindrance do you think hinder the wide spread and application of BESO software?

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An interesting subject and survey for sure, but it doesn't really fit in the Q&A format of unmet hours. You're better off posting to the BLDG-SIM mailing list for that IMHO.

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 8 years ago )

Thanks for you suggestion.

TianZhichao's avatar TianZhichao  ( 8 years ago )