EnergyPlus HVACCurveFitTool for chiller EIRfPLR curve?
EnergyPlus' Chiller:Electric:EIR requires a quadratic performance curve for it's Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Part Load Ratio (EIRfPLR) curve.
Is it possible to create this quadratic curve using EnergyPlus' HVAC Curve Fit Tool?
I can create the biquadratic curves for CAPfT and EIRfT using the tool, but I'm not quite sure how to create the quadratic EIRfPLR curve.
Does the Chiller:Electric:EIR accept a biquadratic? If not, then the EIRfPLR curve will just represent EIR as a function of part load ratio regardless of lift (dT)?
Hey @pflaumingo , you're correct, I have edited my question accordingly. I was having flashbacks to my previous eQUEST/DOE-2 days where the chiller EIRfPLR curve would accept a 'biquadratic in ratio & dT' curve to model EIR as a function of both PLR and lift (dT).... old habits die hard, haha.