do you have expert in the UK because I want to use HAP Software on my project which is Analysis of thermal insulation in buildings for power saving . I need help with it. many thanks

asked 8 years ago

As's avatar

updated 8 years ago

do you have expert in the UK because I want to use HAP Software on my project which is Analysis of thermal insulation in buildings for power saving . I need help with it. please send to me on email many thanks

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welcome @As, please read the help page if you haven't already. this question is far too general. please edit to include a specific question or delete. also, in the future use existing and specific tags. in this case "building" is far too general and is misspelled.

MatthewSteen's avatar MatthewSteen  ( 8 years ago )

many thanks I have to a simulation building by HAP Software because I need to Analysis of thermal insulation in buildings for power saving . I need help with it.

As's avatar As  ( 8 years ago )

i don't know HAP myself, but these are very general modeling questions. what specifically are you trying to do, what have you tried, and what specific problem(s) are you having? i assume there's documentation for HAP, have you read through that?

MatthewSteen's avatar MatthewSteen  ( 8 years ago )

I need to do studying what is the difference between uninsulated and insulation in buldiing

As's avatar As  ( 8 years ago )

There is usage documentation for the current version (v5) of HAP available here.

Jamie Bull's avatar Jamie Bull  ( 8 years ago )