Can radiance calculate the DGI ?
I want to get the DGI parameter using radaiance,But I am a new radiance user,and don't kown how to implement it in radiance.Is there anyone that can guide me? Thanks!
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I want to get the DGI parameter using radaiance,But I am a new radiance user,and don't kown how to implement it in radiance.Is there anyone that can guide me? Thanks!
The simple answer is "yes", Radiance can be used to compute DGI -- at least, it can provide high dynamic range images for inspection to derive DGI. This paper details the derivation of the metric, and discusses its limitations as well.
Your workflow for using Ecotect would be to generate hemispherical fisheye view renderings of your design with Radiance, and apply the mathematical basis on them, or (easier) use evalglare to interrogate the HDR images and give you DGI (evalglare will also give you DGP and a host of other metrics as well).
BTW, Evalglare is most likely going to be part of the standard Radiance distribution in the near future. In the meantime, I think the only link to it is here.
@rpg777 The reason I am interested in calculatuing DGI is that the DGI is required by Chinese daylight design standard.And I always use Ecotect combined with Radiance to perform daylight analysis.
Evalglare (see the PDF at calculates DGI, as well as several other daylight metrics, and it is now part of the NREL Radiance distribution. If you're using it as a design tool as well as to satisfy Chinese code requirements, I recommend looking at DGP.
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Asked: 2014-12-10 21:00:46 -0500
Seen: 628 times
Last updated: Feb 23 '16