Infinite Capacity Source/Sink Not Included in EUI
I need an infinite capacity object (that won't be factored in to the EUI in the default E+ report) to provide heating and cooling to a WSHP condenser loop. District Heating/Cooling won't work since that's included in the site EUI (which doesn't make any sense by the way since it's source energy, but I digress). I can't get the response I want from GroundHeatExchanger
leaving the only other option I've found to be PlantComponent:TemperatureSource
. Since this object can't be controlled by a setpoint manger I elected to created a heating and cooling primary loops that service the condenser loop through heat exchangers.
Cooling/Heating Loops (2 Unique Loops; bot with the same arragement)
Heat Pump Loop
Heat exchangers are set to ideal and cooling/heating setpoint modulated based on their respective loops. I've ensured all components have sufficiently large hard sized capacities.
I've tried MANY setups/combinations, but I've yet to come up with anything that responds how I'd like. Here is what the current setup yields...
The loop works great when I a district heating/cooling setup in series. When I replace them with heat exchangers though, it all falls apart. Is there anything wrong with this setup that doesn't make any sense? Is there a better way to approach what I'm trying to do? I feel like this may be do to PlantOperationScheme:Uncontrolled
, I feel like with all the explicit setpoint managers though that shouldn't be an issue.
For one of our GSHP models we used a PlantComponent:TemperatureSource in conjunction with an EMS EnergyPlus measure to alter the schedule associated with the PlantComponent:TemperatureSource. If these is a solution you wan to try I can send some code from the EMS measure.
Absolutely, I was just starting to look into that, if you already have something operational or skeletal that would fantastic.
Does one of the combinations you tried include putting the heat pump loop heat exchangers in series on the outlet pipe? I am not sure they will get flow located inside the parallel branches with no operation scheme.
Ya, I thought the parallel setup would be deficient in that respect. The series setup was was the one I worked the most with. I probably should have posted a screenshot of that.