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eQuest will not open file [closed]

asked 8 years ago

mjadamss's avatar

Hello all,

I had a fully functioning eQuest (3.65) model and was editing schedules and switch statements in the inp directly. When I tried to reopen the file after saving the changes it will not load and eQuest simply freezes as it is loading. This all happens prior to even showing the loading bar/progress. attached is the inp and eQuest project file.

I'm just trying to get the project file to open again.

Thanks for any and all help,

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by mjadamss
close date 2017-05-15 18:24:29.387920


can you attach the inp now?

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 8 years ago )

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answered 8 years ago

Nick Caton's avatar

I am not seeing anything posted as an attachment either. It would probably be helpful to include a copy of a previously working & recent version of the same project, if you have something like that handy to share as well. That would help isolate what might have gone awry.

In the meantime you might try moving a copy of the .INP file to a separate location (independent from the .PD2) and try starting a "new" project by opening the .INP directly from eQuest (this will generate a new PD2, but you'd lose any wizard-level inputs and weather file assignment).

If ultimately you cannot get attachments working here, you could try cross-posting the issue & files to the [equest-users] mailing list.

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Asked: 8 years ago

Seen: 1,061 times

Last updated: Jul 13 '16