I Can't do the simulation, why there is an error on "The Space" [closed]

asked 2016-05-24 06:26:31 -0500

adityord's avatar

updated 2016-10-18 14:46:29 -0500

Hello Guys, My Name is Adityo Dharmanto, there's some question, why there is an error in the Radiance Simulation. Spesificly in the Space. The Simulation is not running well. i use the modeling Building in Sketchup, i make the simple model for Verificating the Program Run Well. And this is Tutorial Video Link that i use for the reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAvhO... and i do the same like the tutorial. And still there is an error.

here is the Source Result.

*[utilities.idf.Workspace] <1> URL Found in IDF: file:files/IDN_Surakarta_MN6.epw but no source could be located. [utilities.idf.WorkspaceObject] <0> Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always On Discrete', points to an object named OnOff from field 1, but that object cannot be located. [utilities.idf.WorkspaceObject] <0> Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always Off Discrete', points to an object named OnOff 1 from field 1, but that object cannot be located. [utilities.idf.WorkspaceObject] <0> Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always On Continuous', points to an object named Fractional from field 1, but that object cannot be located. [openstudio.runmanager.LocalProcess] <1> Starting LocalProcess: C:/Program Files/OpenStudio 1.10.0/share/openstudio/EnergyPlusV8-4-0/ExpandObjects.exe [openstudio.runmanager.LocalProcess] <1> Starting LocalProcess: C:/Program Files/OpenStudio 1.10.0/share/openstudio/EnergyPlusV8-4-0/energyplus.exe [openstudio.EpwFile] <0> Header start day of the week and actual start day of the week do not match in EPW file 'C:/Users/adityo dharmanto/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenStudio.yK5652/resources/run/1-UserScript-0/in/files/IDN_Surakarta_MN6.epw'. Data will be treated as typical (TMY) place Surakarta_IDN latitude -7.569 longitude -110.82 time_zone -105 site_elevation 165 weather_data_file_units 1 Script executing from: C:/Users/adityo dharmanto/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenStudio.yK5652/resources/run/1-UserScript-0 Found argument 'apply_schedules' with value 'Yes'. Found argument 'use_cores' with value 'Default'. Found argument 'rad_settings' with value 'Model'. Found argument 'image_type' with value 'Simple'. Found UserScript 'Radiance Daylighting Measure'. I need your help, this is my project for the Thesis. Thankyou for your respons.

PS : my spec Laptop : Lenovo Ideapad 500s. Window 10, Ram 4GB. Using OpenStudio 1.10 Download in NREL website, and also i Installed the Radiance and Daysim for Support.

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by rpg777
close date 2016-05-24 14:43:37.921339