Unitary system and OA system economizer does not leads to reduced cooling power

asked 2016-05-11 07:04:15 -0500

Yannis's avatar

updated 2016-05-13 02:53:00 -0500

I 'm trying to model a CRAC of a small Data Center and as you can see in the image its a Unitary system and OA system

image description

I followed "The third edition of ASHRAE’s Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environments"

image description

but the operation of the economizer does not leads to reduced cooling power rate. It has to do with the settings or has to do with the geographical location and the local climatic conditions (humidity, enthalpy etc.)?

Here 's my model:


Thanks in advance !!!

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As a first step you can report out the Output:Variable called Air System Outdoor Air Economizer Status and check if the economizer is actually being activated as expected.

aparker's avatar aparker  ( 2016-05-11 13:51:56 -0500 )edit

@aparker Thanks for your comment. Reporting out the Air System Outdoor Air Economizer Status I see that economizers operation depends on climate conditions. The only time that operates when the dry bulb temperature is above 18 C. The recommended envelope is very restricted. I 'll consider wider envelopes. Thanks!

Yannis's avatar Yannis  ( 2016-05-13 05:36:27 -0500 )edit