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OpenStudio for Linux on Windows 10's Ubuntu?

asked 2016-05-06 17:05:46 -0500

Determinant's avatar

updated 2016-05-08 18:36:33 -0500

Has anyone tried running OpenStudio for Linux on Windows 10 using the new "genuine Ubuntu image on top of Windows with all the Linux tools"? i.e. not a VM of Linux but according to MS, Linux making calls to the Windows kernel (I think).

I'm hoping it might allow Radiance on OpenStudio to take advantage of my multicore processor. Currently when I run it says Radiance on Windows can only use one processor.

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answered 2016-05-13 11:28:17 -0500

I wouldn't hold my breath just yet.

"Ubuntu on Windows" is purely console based. You won't be able to run a Linux GUI application on Windows. That would require full support for the X11 protocols, which is extremely unlikely to ever happen in this context. It also is not possible to use the Windows GUI parts, and have them run the background simulations with the Ubuntu executables. The two worlds are completely shielded from each other, an neither side can invoke processes on the other side.

Using multiple cores with Radiance/Ubuntu processes would require that the unix file locking API works reliably. I have no idea if that is the case (even native Linux took many years to get it right). If so (a big IF), then you could theoretically configure your model with Windows OpenStudio, and then open a bash and run the actual simulations manually using the Linux executables. But I doubt that this would really be a practical solution.

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Thanks. Good to know I'd be hitting a dead end if I tried this now.

Determinant's avatar Determinant  ( 2016-05-13 17:27:06 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2016-05-06 17:01:01 -0500

Seen: 222 times

Last updated: May 06 '16