lower u-value with higher cooling energy?
Dear All,
I have simulated two types of construction for a one-story house (1 living room, 1 sleeping room and 1 bathroom) in EnergyPlus. Each room has 1 window and the windows and doors are identical for both constructions. The house is quite small (320 square foot), there is no shading for windows and the location is in the climate zone 3B-dry.
The construction with lower u-value has lower required heating energy that totally makes sense. But this construction has higher required cooling energy than the other one. How can this be justified?
With and without considering natural ventilation and internal gains (home appliances) the results are same. The construction with lower u-value, has lower required heating energy, but higher required cooling energy.
I have rechecked the simulation various times and there seems to be no problem. Are these results justifiable? I appreciate any hint!
Thanks a lot in advance!