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Radiance options for direct sunlight calculation

asked 8 years ago

updated 7 years ago

I'm using rcontrib to calculate sunlight hours for a grid of test points. Each sun position is created as a light source modifier and then I use rcontrib -M modifiers.sun [options] *.oct < *.pts > *.dc to calculate the daylight coefficient. I tried to use rigorous radiance options such as -ab 0 -aa 0 -ad 65536 -lw 1.52e-5 -dt 0 -dc 1 but radiance is still missing ~3% of suns in the scene. I also tried turning on and off -u.

This image shows one of the cases. Black spheres show the place with inaccurate values. I draw sun vectors from one of the test points and in this case Radiance is missing the vector which is parallel to the wall.

sunlight hours

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answered 8 years ago

It looks like the errors occur on the boundary between shaded and unshaded. The default for rcontrib is -dj 1 which sends a ray to a random location within the angle subtended by the sun, but you are probably comparing this to rays sent to the center of the sun. Using -dj 0 will hopefully bring the two into agreement.

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@Andyrew thank you for your help. I wish I could do more than +1. It would have taken me forever to figure this out. Changing dj to 0 did it. My follow up question is does the rest of options make sense in the way that I have it set up? Anything that I should have considered? For instance I never really noticed dj until now. Anything else that I'm missing here? Thanks in advance.

Mostapha Roudsari's avatar Mostapha Roudsari  ( 8 years ago )

You might not have noticed dj because the default is 0 for everything except rcontrib and rfluxmtx. I mainly use it when I want to render realistic shadows, but it requires substantial over sampling.

The most important parameters for this type of simulation are dc 1 and dt 0. I've been told that setting both is redundant, but I always use both anyway. I can't think of any other important parameters. I don't know if ad aa and lw have any role when ab is 0.

Andyrew's avatar Andyrew  ( 8 years ago )

Thanks Andy! I feel a little bit better now. Now I can finalize the parameters for the recipe.

Mostapha Roudsari's avatar Mostapha Roudsari  ( 8 years ago )

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Asked: 8 years ago

Seen: 698 times

Last updated: Apr 28 '16