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Daylighting potential and electric end use

asked 2016-04-05 11:10:09 -0500

luis melo's avatar

updated 2016-04-07 11:26:21 -0500

How can I compare the Light Electric power usage per hour before and after using daylight sensors? I suposed that Light Electric Power object is able to do this. Am I correct? I want to report something like below image. image description

Source: (Garg, Vishal) Centre for IT in Building Science, IIIT, Hyderabad, India

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1 Answer

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answered 2016-04-07 04:44:55 -0500

Waseem's avatar

updated 2016-04-07 04:48:35 -0500

You should be able to model this by using Daylighting:Controls object and setting required Illuminance setpoint values at reference point(s). Lighting energy consumption will also depend on the Lighting control type i.e. continuous, stepped or continuous/off. Also, make sure that you modify Fraction Replaceable field of Lights object.

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Hello Wassem, thank you for help, but, even taking into account all objects listed above, comparing the results between windows A and B with opaque surface and the same windows with semi transparent photovoltaics, the energy consumption in KWh remain with same values. It doesn't make sense because there is daylight reaching the space in second case. Do you know how can i fix it?

image description

(input output reference): *Fraction Replaceable. This field defines the daylighting control for the LIGHTS object. If Daylighting:Controls or Daylighting:DELight:C

luis melo's avatar luis melo  ( 2016-04-07 09:37:12 -0500 )edit

I'm trying to send by in-mail, ok?

luis melo's avatar luis melo  ( 2016-04-07 10:02:32 -0500 )edit

@luis melo: You can share a dropbox link here so that anyone (who wants to) can have a look.

Waseem's avatar Waseem  ( 2016-04-07 10:20:20 -0500 )edit

Some more detail about this model and the daylighting strategy would also be nice. You have two zones with daylighting controls, and refer to "windows A and B" being changed; what about the large glazed area in the second, larger space? Is that one also changing? Are the results for the building or by zone, or??

rpg777's avatar rpg777  ( 2016-04-07 10:54:36 -0500 )edit

The large glazed area is a glassdoor who is a unchanged surface. The main goal of the study is to analyse the STPV performance in terms of save energy with daylighting.

luis melo's avatar luis melo  ( 2016-04-07 11:33:44 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2016-04-05 11:10:09 -0500

Seen: 182 times

Last updated: Apr 07 '16