Optimize HVAC consumptions by changing HVAC setpoints
Hi! I created my model(Supermarket) using OpenStudio. I created a single zone building with an HVAC system. I'm trying to optimize my building HVAC electricity consumption by changing HVAC setpoints. What I'm doing now is changing HVAC setpoints "by hand" in orther to study the consumption changes, always looking to confort restrictions. As I'm also looking to electricity costs, that are variable during the entire day, I'm trying to find a tool that can give me the setpoints that can minimize energy costs. Do you recomend any tool or any mathematical model that can be useful to this optimization problem? Thank you
This question is unlikely going to produce any good answers in its current form. It is too vague and you haven't explained what you've tried. I suggest revising it and trying to narrow the problem you have.
Thank you for your suggestion Julien Marrec.