How do I solve a problem with severe error ComputeIntSolarAbsorpFactors?

asked 2016-03-25 18:05:55 -0500

ipetidis's avatar

updated 2016-03-28 17:36:12 -0500

What do I need do to solve this error?

Severe  ** ComputeIntSolarAbsorpFactors: Solar distribution model is set to place solar gains on the zone floor,
   **   ~~~   ** but Zone ="THZ_1" floor cannot absorb any solar gains. 
   **   ~~~   ** Check the solar absorptance of the inside layer of the floor surface construction/material.
   **   ~~~   ** Solar gains will be spread evenly on all surfaces in the zone, and the simulation continues...
   ** Severe  ** ComputeIntSolarAbsorpFactors: Solar distribution model is set to place solar gains on the zone floor,
   **   ~~~   ** but Zone ="THZ_3" floor cannot absorb any solar gains. 
   **   ~~~   ** Check the solar absorptance of the inside layer of the floor surface construction/material.
   **   ~~~   ** Solar gains will be spread evenly on all surfaces in the zone, and the simulation continues...
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Assuming you already checked the construction as recommended in the EnergyPlus output "Check the solar absorptance of the inside layer of the floor surface construction/material" make sure the surface type is set to "Floor" for one or more surfaces in the affected zones.

David Goldwasser's avatar David Goldwasser  ( 2016-03-28 15:12:36 -0500 )edit

David thenks , your coment helped a lot my model !

ipetidis's avatar ipetidis  ( 2016-03-28 18:05:50 -0500 )edit

Severe * DetermineShadowingCombinations: There are 1 surfaces which are casting surfaces and are non-convex. * ~~~ * ...Shadowing values may be inaccurate. Check .shd report file for more surface shading details * ~~~ ** ...Add Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; to see individual severes for each surface. any idea for this?

ipetidis's avatar ipetidis  ( 2016-03-28 18:20:37 -0500 )edit

This has nothing to do with your original question. Non convex surfaces have been extensively discussed already... please use the search function. (see here for example)

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2016-03-29 04:05:17 -0500 )edit