Hot water tank cannot be autosized without failing, is there a way around hard sizing?
I created a Water Use Connections object and a Water Fixture object and dropped them into the appropriate places in the Service Hot Water Loop. I then attempted to bring the hot water to the loop. I dropped a mixed hot water tank into the demand side of my district hot water loop. I created a new plant loop and dropped the same hot water tank into the supply size and added my water connection to the demand side. When I dropped the hot water tank in it hard sized to a really large value and my water use equipment was 95% of the usage of my building. I then tried to autosize and it failed. Is this a common bug? Is there a way around this?
Can you add the error message and version of OS you're using?
I think it's the same error as discussed on the tracker [here] ( @Julien Marrec seems to have recently encountered this as well in 1.10.2.
It is OS 1.9.0.