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Use weather converter to convert csv to epw

asked 2016-01-19 19:02:10 -0600

RChidwick's avatar

updated 2017-08-15 13:56:25 -0600

I am trying to convert a csv weather file I got from here, to an epw file using the EnergyPlus Weather Converter tool. I learned that I needed a def file, so I found a def file for converting csv to epw. I am currently getting several errors. I know my question is very similar to this question, but I thought it may be helpful if I post some of the errors that I am getting.

The procedure that resulted in the fewest number of errors was selecting the csv as the input weather file, then overriding the default type and selecting 'energyplus comma separated variable' format. I selected the output format as epw, and gave a file name for the converted file and then selected 'convert file'.I have attached a screenshot of the audit file to this question. C:\fakepath\Barons weather audit file.JPG

Let me know if the procedure above is clear. I have tried the suggested solutions mentioned in the comments on the question I linked above, but they have not worked.

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1 Answer

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answered 2016-01-20 11:57:26 -0600

I'm not sure how well this will work for you but one possibility is to use the Elements weather file converter/editor.

Although Elements does not (yet) have a direct CSV import/export, one possible thing you could do is to create a new (blank) weather file in Elements.

You can start by editing the header information to match the target site (it's important to do this first before you try to paste solar data).

Then, column by column, cut and paste your CSV data onto that blank file. You'd have to take care to work with the "Variables to Hold Constant" pull-down within Elements as you cut and paste so as not to mess up previous data you've pasted in already.

See the Elements documentation for more details. You can use the Add/Remove columns button to display fields that aren't shown by default.

There is a tutorial along these lines here.

With regard to solar data, there is another question here on UnmetHours that helped a user deal with cutting and pasting solar data updates into Elements.

It's all still a quite manual and a bit messy but could be faster than trying to figure out the EnergyPlus Weather Converter tool if you're only planning on building a couple of weather files.

In the interest of full disclosure, I helped build Elements, so I may be biased here.

Best of luck!

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Thank you for your answer. It helped a lot, I now have my epw weather file. Can you use Elements to make ddy files also?

RChidwick's avatar RChidwick  ( 2016-01-21 18:36:56 -0600 )edit

Unfortunately, at this time, we don't do anything special in Elements to support .ddy files.

Michael OKeefe's avatar Michael OKeefe  ( 2016-01-22 08:39:16 -0600 )edit

How can I add a new column with SNOW DEPTH modifying an existing epw file in ELEMENTS?

chiarafail's avatar chiarafail  ( 2016-05-12 03:42:03 -0600 )edit

Yes, I tried that way, but, when I open the csv file in Excel, it gives me problems with commas and things like that. This way I cannot reconvert csv file into epw file...

chiarafail's avatar chiarafail  ( 2016-05-12 09:01:39 -0600 )edit

You could try separating the top of the EPW from the time series data and process the time series data in Excel and then paste them back together.

As of this time, you can't add columns to an ELEMENTS file over and above what we offer from the GUI. However, you can always save the EPW and load it in Excel (as comma separated variable) and directly modify the appropriate columns. See the documentation on the EPW file format for details on which column is which:

Michael OKeefe's avatar Michael OKeefe  ( 2016-05-12 13:10:02 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2016-01-19 19:02:10 -0600

Seen: 10,091 times

Last updated: Jan 27 '17