Ground modelling (slab)
Hey, I want to simulate the ground temperature using the "slab programm" (Eplus-Versino 8.3).
GroundHeatTransfer:Control: Run Slab Procesor Yes
TRUE, !- EVTR: Is surface evapotranspiration modeled
TRUE, !- FIXBC: is the lower boundary at a fixed temperature
10, !- TDEEPin {C}
FALSE; !- USRHflag: Is the ground surface h specified by the user?
10, !- IYRS: Number of years to iterate
0, !- Shape: Slab shape
4, !- HBLDG: Building height {m}
22, !- TIN1: January Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
22, !- TIN2: February Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
22, !- TIN3: March Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
22, !- TIN4: April Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
22, !- TIN5: May Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
22, !- TIN6: June Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
22, !- TIN7: July Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
22, !- TIN8: August Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
22, !- TIN9: September Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
22, !- TIN10: October Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
22, !- TIN11: November Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
22, !- TIN12: December Indoor Average Temperature Setpoint {C}
, !- TINAmp: Daily Indoor sine wave variation amplitude {deltaC}
0.1; !- ConvTol: Convergence Tolerance
0, !- RINS: R value of under slab insulation {m2-K/W}
0, !- DINS: Width of strip of under slab insulation {m}
2, !- RVINS: R value of vertical insulation {m2-K/W}
2, !- ZVINS: Depth of vertical insulation {m}
1; !- IVINS: Flag: Is there vertical insulation
test, !- Name
No, !- Run Basement Preprocessor
Yes; !- Run Slab Preprocessor
1, !- NMAT: Number of materials
0.16, !- ALBEDO: Surface Albedo: No Snow
0.4, !- ALBEDO: Surface Albedo: Snow
0.94, !- EPSLW: Surface Emissivity: No Snow
0.86, !- EPSLW: Surface Emissivity: Snow
, !- Z0: Surface Roughness: No Snow {cm}
0.25, !- Z0: Surface Roughness: Snow {cm}
6.13, !- HIN: Indoor HConv: Downward Flow {W/m2-K}
9.26; !- HIN: Indoor HConv: Upward {W/m2-K}
2300, !- RHO: Slab Material density {kg/m3}
1200, !- RHO: Soil Density {kg/m3}
650, !- CP: Slab CP {J/kg-K}
1200, !- CP: Soil CP {J/kg-K}
0.9, !- TCON: Slab k {W/m-K}
1; !- TCON: Soil k {W/m-K}
I run EP-Launch / Utilities Slab / i got the following error message: specified file missing for utility: Slab: ....out_bsmt.idf
Then i tried to run the normal launch / single input file
I get the error message: Specified file missing for utility: Slab
PrelimOutput: Improper slab entered. Describe slab using EquivalentSlab object or similar.
Is this even the right way to simulate the ground :) ? Thank you very much for your help!