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Node Connection Error: non-parent inlet node

asked 9 years ago

clguen's avatar

updated 9 years ago

I'm modeling a unglazed transpired solar collector that is connected to a air-to-air heat exchanger that flows into the outdoor air mixer.

The air that I am receiving is below. Is there any insight as to the root of the problem?

* Severe * Node Connection Error, Node="AIR INTAKE NODE", The same node appears as a non-parent Inlet node more than once. * ~~~ * Reference Object=SOLARCOLLECTOR:UNGLAZEDTRANSPIRED, Name=JH UTSC * ~~~ * Reference Object=HEATEXCHANGER:AIRTOAIR:SENSIBLEANDLATENT, Name=AIR-TO-AIR HX * Severe * Node Connection Error, Node="AIR OUTLET NODE", The same node appears as a non-parent Outlet node more than once. * ~~~ * Reference Object=SOLARCOLLECTOR:UNGLAZEDTRANSPIRED, Name=JH UTSC * ~~~ * Reference Object=HEATEXCHANGER:AIRTOAIR:SENSIBLEANDLATENT, Name=AIR-TO-AIR HX *** There were 2 node connection errors noted.

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answered 9 years ago

updated 9 years ago

Sounds like for both your solar collector and AAHX, you have used the same name as inlet air node (AIR INTAKE NODE) and outlet air node (AIR OUTLET NODE). Right now, EnergyPlus thinks you're using "AIR INTAKE NODE" in two different inlet locations in your model and "AIR OUTLET NODE" in two different outlet locations in your model.

For each component in your model, node names need to be unique UNLESS there are inlet / outlet connection relationships. Try changing the input fields to be "COLLECTOR AIR INTAKE NODE" and "COLLECTOR AIR OUTLET NODE" for your unglazed solar collector. Since outlet air from the collector is inlet air to the AAHX, you should set the inlet air input field of your AAHX object to "COLLECTOR AIR OUTLET NODE". To have a unique outlet air node name, change the outlet air input field of your AAHX object to "AAHX AIR OUTLET NODE".

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Thank you! Much appreciated!

clguen's avatar clguen  ( 9 years ago )

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Asked: 9 years ago

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Last updated: Nov 04 '15