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Tarcog failed to converge_Energy Plus when using BSDF

asked 2015-10-30 20:01:16 -0600

basdav's avatar

updated 2016-10-20 19:50:46 -0600

I'm looking for some help about a problem I have with Energy Plus, I'm trying to run a simulation using a BSDF-window system that I created with Window 7, but I get this error msg:

* Severe * Window tarcog returned an error * ~~~ * message = "Tarcog failed to converge" During Warmup, Environment=RUN PERIOD 1, at Simulation time=01/01 00:15 - 00:30 * ~~~ * surface name = G1UP * ~~~ * construction name = CF_GLZ_75

That I guess refers to the field corresponding to FenestrationSurface:Detailed and located in the Thermal zones and surfaces (to reference it to the BSDF-IF file):

Thermal Zones and Surfaces --> [0006] FenestrationSurface: Detailed --> Name: g1up; Surface type: window; Construction Name: CF_Glz_75;

I'm using the editor so I'm also adding details from the BSDF-IDF file to: Construction:ComplexFenestrationState and Matrix:TwoDimensions

I thought at first that it was a problem with the version of Energy Plus but previous and the current version give the same error.

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There is not enough information here to diagnose. Please post a link to the files (idf and the output from Window7) or send them to to open a helpdesk ticket.

MJWitte's avatar MJWitte  ( 2015-11-13 11:27:19 -0600 )edit

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answered 2015-12-01 11:32:22 -0600

vidanovic's avatar

updated 2015-12-01 11:58:08 -0600


I can help you with this problem. First of all can you tell me what version of EnergyPlus did you use? I would also like to see window model that you have created by using WINDOW 7 and which weather file you have used in you simulation?

Thanks, Simon

UPDATE: Have you tried to do calculations in WINDOW 7 for this system? Seems that you are missing data for back transmittance and reflectance (shading device). Is it safe to assume that your shading device is symmetrical? So if it is then you can just copy/paste yours front measured data into back transmittance (and reflectance) and then perform the simulation. Of course, edit data in WINDOW 7 and then generate IDF in WINDOW 7.

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Thank you, yes this is actually a redirecting system to which a glass layer was added using Window 7. I've tried what you suggested but found still some difficulties. I sent you few additional files (to the email indicated above). Or if you have any other email where I can send them please let me know. I Hope that you have time to have a look to them. Thank you in advance!

basdav's avatar basdav  ( 2015-12-05 15:41:12 -0600 )edit

I am getting the same error. With a default Window 7 glazing (Double clear with pleated shade) and a very simple idf model. Have you found a solution?

ecoeficiente's avatar ecoeficiente  ( 2016-01-22 06:48:13 -0600 )edit

Did you use WINDOW 7 to create IGU?

vidanovic's avatar vidanovic  ( 2016-01-22 11:00:54 -0600 )edit

Yes, Window 7.4, and Energyplus 8.4.

ecoeficiente's avatar ecoeficiente  ( 2016-01-22 12:51:47 -0600 )edit

Any chance to get file that W7 created? Or even better, what window construction did you use in W7?

vidanovic's avatar vidanovic  ( 2016-01-22 14:46:26 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2015-10-30 20:00:16 -0600

Seen: 345 times

Last updated: Dec 01 '15