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With honeybee, is it possible to run an annual simulation without glare analysis

asked 2015-10-29 12:47:26 -0500

updated 2015-10-29 12:48:07 -0500

I'm trying to run annual illuminance simulations, but don't want to run image based glare analysis. The DSParameters module has a boolean input to run only glare analysis, but not a boolean to run only illuminance analysis. Is there a way to turn off the image based glare analysis in the annual analysis recipe? A null view perhaps?

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answered 2015-10-29 15:41:54 -0500

updated 2015-10-29 16:33:21 -0500

Hi @Andyrew,

The short answer is yes. The default is to only run annual illuminance study. You can disconnect the DSParameters in that case. Here is an example.

image description

Also a note about inputs in Honeybee and Ladybug:

A _requiredInput will start with _ and ends with no _. _requiredInputsWithDefaultValues_ has _ on both sides, optionalInputs_ has an underline only at the end.

Both DSParameters_ and onlyRunGlareAnalysis_ are optional inputs. Also check this link for a clean description of inputs and outputs..

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Thanks Mostapha!

Andyrew's avatar Andyrew  ( 2015-10-29 16:17:38 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2015-10-29 12:47:26 -0500

Seen: 578 times

Last updated: Oct 29 '15