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PerformancePhotovoltaic:Simple with scheduled efficiency in OpenStudio

asked 2015-10-29 04:40:57 -0500

updated 2017-08-05 08:09:22 -0500

The OpenStudio::Model::PhotovoltaicPerformanceSimple class has a conversionEfficiencyInputMode method, but no setConversionEfficiencyInputMode.

Does this mean you can't create one with a Schedule efficiency?

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answered 2015-10-29 04:46:55 -0500

updated 2015-10-29 04:47:42 -0500

It seems that calling setFixedEfficiency and setEfficiencySchedule will automatically switch the conversionEfficiencyInputMode to Fixed and Scheduled respectively.

performance is my OpenStudio::Model::PhotovoltaicPerformanceSimple

In [1]: puts performance
  {4031fe67-2794-4fbc-ab61-891fb8b6216f}, !- Handle
  Photovoltaic Performance Simple 1,      !- Name
  0.85,                                   !- Fraction of Surface Area with Active Solar Cells
  Fixed,                                  !- Conversion Efficiency Input Mode
  0.2,                                    !- Value for Cell Efficiency if Fixed
  ;                                       !- Efficiency Schedule Name

 In [2]:  performance.setEfficiencySchedule(schedule)
 Out[2]: ==> nil

 In [3]: puts performance
  {4031fe67-2794-4fbc-ab61-891fb8b6216f}, !- Handle
  Photovoltaic Performance Simple 1,      !- Name
  0.85,                                   !- Fraction of Surface Area with Active Solar Cells
  Scheduled,                              !- Conversion Efficiency Input Mode
  0.2,                                    !- Value for Cell Efficiency if Fixed
  {9fe66c83-b05c-43c4-8cf9-1397a38be653}; !- Efficiency Schedule Name
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That is correct, I think I need to document that better

macumber's avatar macumber  ( 2015-10-29 09:04:22 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2015-10-29 04:40:57 -0500

Seen: 188 times

Last updated: Oct 29 '15