Setpoint schedule
Hi everyone,
I have a very basic question about setpoint schedule in EnergyPlus (I'm using DesignBuilder). when defining setpoint, we have a schedule to determine the setpoint/setback/no requirement of indoor air temperature, but at the same time, when we define the system operation,
- What is the 'Availability Schedule' in 'Plant Loop Data'? when it's 'on' 24 hours, does it mean even no cooling requirement at night, the chilled water loop is still on?
- Also under the 'PlantEquipmentOperation', there is also another 'Operation schedule' for the Scheme to define when the scheme is on and off.
My control is that in the day time, the system is on when the space is occupied; The system is off for 6 hours at night for passive discharge without system running, the left hours at night before occupancy in the morning, the system is on again to actively discharge the heat if necessary. but at this period, the space setpoint is not required (no setback neither) when system is on. How to define the control schedule?
Thank you very much for any help!
If availability schedule in On and there is cooling demand, the loop would be on. If availability schedule in On and if there is no cooling demand and pump has intermittent control type, the loop would be off. And if availability schedule is Off, the loop would be off regardless of load. I don't think what you are trying to do can be done without specifying specifying a setback.