Trouble using Space Infiltration Effective Leakage Area in Openstudio
I am finding that I am not able to define infiltration by Effective Leakage Area in Openstudio. When I attempt to do so, I receive in error regarding my zone infiltration object reading: Field [Zone Name] is required but was left blank.
I believe the error might be telling me to define the Effective Leakage Area to a thermal zone? I do not see an option or way to do so.
I am adding my effective leakage area using the inspector within the Sketchup interface, assigning a space where requested, and filling in the rest of the fields.
Is the space that you assigned the infiltration object to, assigned to a thermal zone?
Yes, the space is part of a thermal zone.
Also, I have no trouble creating an infiltration object using design flow rates.
Is it possible you have an extra unused space infiltration effective leakage area object? The only way I was able to get the error you see is by not associating it with a space or space type.
I do see a different error if you use the default stack and wind coefficients that come with a new object made with the inspector, this issue doesn't exist if you use the Library in the OS app to add a new object.
No, just one effective leakage area object.
My library doesn't come with a default leakage object, so I haven't added one by that method.
Thanks for looking into this, David. I'll keep trying to figure out what's going wrong.
1.9.0 due out soon will have this in "My Library" You will be able to drag it in to the space types tab or the new spaces tab.