What features do people want in a parametric tool?

asked 9 years ago

updated 7 years ago

This question is somewhat related to this other one. However, I am mostly curious what features people would like in a parametric tool. What features of existing tools do people really like; and which aspects of existing tools do you really dislike? What awesome features has no one thought to put into a tool yet? NREL is planning to update the PAT tool in the next year to better align it with the large scale analysis capabilities of the OpenStudio Server. We'd love feedback from users on what the new tool should (or should not) do, what do you think?

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Is this the right forum? Is it be possible to use openstudio.uservoice.com site to do this? Or would it be difficult to vote on individual features in one conversation the way you can vote on individual answers in a UH question?

__AmirRoth__'s avatar __AmirRoth__  ( 9 years ago )

There are several good ideas on uservoice already 1, 2, 3, 4, as well as issues on gituhb.

macumber's avatar macumber  ( 9 years ago )

Those are great ideas for specific changes, I was hoping we could get some generic comments here or maybe blue sky ideas from other industries. Or maybe some discussion related to @Jim Dirkes thread about which tools work well for which use cases. I'm hearing crickets now, if no one responds then I guess I'd have to say this was the wrong question to ask :-)

macumber's avatar macumber  ( 9 years ago )