Running GenOpt in Linux Server
Hi Again,
I would like to run GenOpt in our server. The simulator is Matlab. I can run it without any problem in PC with the command line in the configuration file like below:
Command = "cmd /c \"\"C:\\Program Files\\MATLAB\\R2012a\\bin\\\"matlab -wait -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r \"addpath('C:\\Users\\jesmanim\\Documents\\genopt\\example\\quad\\5_spot_1producer');decoder_5spot %Simulation.Files.Log.Path1%;exit\"\"";
However, when I run it in the server with the command line:
Command ="matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r \"addpath('/home/jesmanim/ code/genopt/example/quad/5spot');decoder5spot(%Simulation.Files.Log.Path1);exi t;\"";
It seems GenOpt is waiting for Matlab and nothing works there. Is there any idea?