What does Summer condition day mean? Can I use a summer condition day weather profile to do a simulation representing a whole summer?
I need a weather profile to test the solar air heater's performance in summer. I know EnergyPlus provide the typical year' s weather profile, but if I use the whole summer weather file to test the solar air heater's performance, the computation takes quite a long time.
Is there a typical summer day weather profile for a specified plate so that I can use one day's weather data to do the simulation representing the whole summer period?
I noticed EnergyPlus provides designday condition profile which is a ddy type profile. Can this file be used as a typical day for my simulation?
If so, in the ddy profile for the summer design day, there are 5 or 7 conditions that can be chosen, so which one should I choose?
Hi @Dr. Fan. Did you mean "specified place" rather than "specified plate"? Also, I've split the questions out so that answerers can respond to them, and added tags that people might be monitoring - in particular you should always include the software as a tag as lots of people get notified whenever an EnergyPlus is asked.
I would definitely NOT use a summer design day profile (DDY) for a typical summer day, because the DDY represent near-extreme conditions reached for 0.4% or 1% of the time over an entire year. What you could do is to identify a typical summer day from the weather data, e.g., with the average daily conditions over the hottest month, etc., and just run that day in your simulation. But, besides saving some computational time, there are no other advantages and you'll just have a kinda average result and defeat the whole advantage of doing annual simulations.