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eQuest "Heating" type Equipment Control

asked 9 years ago

jkjenner's avatar

updated 7 years ago

I'm wondering exactly how to set up a "heating" type Equipment Control in eQuest.

Specifically, I have a system with two boilers, B-1 and B-2. I'd like to set it up so that B-1 handles the entire heating load until a given threshold, after which B-1 and B-2 share it equally.

Would I set it up like so?

image description

Also: would I be correct in assuming that the units in the "Max Load" field are MBtu/h?

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answered 9 years ago

updated 9 years ago

You will want to use two tabs (Load Range 1, and Load Range 2) to accomplish this. The first tab (Load Range 1) will allow you to load up 1 boiler to a certain range. You want to keep B-1 in this tab and enter 0.62 in the 'max load' cell as well as the 'Loads Through:' cell... image description

On the second tab (Load Range 2), you can select both boilers with a max load of 999... image description

To share the load equally, you will want to select 'Yes' in the prorate-load field on the 'General' tab. This will distribute the load equally to each boiler based on the boiler capacity, so if you have two equally sized boilers, the load will be distributed evenly. Read up on PRORATE-LOAD in the DOE-2.2 Volume 2 Dictionary ... image description

You are correct, Max Load is in MBtu/h (1,000,000 Btuh). Lastly, be sure to create a 'Load Management' sequence that references the equipment control scheme created above, otherwise your equipment control scheme won't actually control the equipment.

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@LyleK thanks a lot for the answer. I had to make one switch to get it working: in the "load range 2" tab I changed the "seq" field for B-2 to 1. Does this make sense? Looking at PS-C after this I seem to be getting results close to what I was expecting...

jkjenner's avatar jkjenner  ( 9 years ago )

That's correct, I edited the image in my answer to reflect this. Glad you are having some success; I would encourage you to create some hourly reports to verify proper boiler operation in addition to the PS-C reports. From the DOE-2.2 dictionary - 'Note that if two units have the same sequence number, then the program will sequentially load any units having a lower sequence number, then prorate the load to any units having the same sequence number (up to fully loaded if necessary), and then sequentially load any remaining units having a higher sequence number.'

Lyle K's avatar Lyle K  ( 9 years ago )

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Asked: 9 years ago

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Last updated: Aug 12 '15