control of hybrid system for heating

asked 2025-02-05 14:10:09 -0600

Hussien Musa's avatar

updated 2025-02-05 14:30:29 -0600

hello all i am new of using EMS i need to control hybrid system for heating and domestic hot water the hybrid system is air source heat pump and gas condensing boiler the system has three operation modes depending on the outdoor ambient temperature.

  1. Heat Pump Only Mode: >3 degrees C
  2. Hybrid Mode (AWSHP and GCB): 3 to - 2 degrees C
  3. Boiler Only Mode: <-2 degrees C

when the heat pump only working the supply temperature is 60C and when the hybrid system or gas boiler only the supply temperature is 70C i tried using below code, the ems code not working properly by checking edd file the signal and the commands for the actuators are out but the control of the heat pump and gas boiler not working as needed sometimes the heat pump work when the temperature is below -2 and sometimes the gas boiler working above 3 degrees and the setpoint doesn't change what could be the problem

   OutdoorTempSensor,                      !- Name
   ,                                       !- Key Name 
   Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature;   !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name

     HP_Operation,            !- Name
     AirSourceHeatPump1,      !- Actuated Component Unique Name
     Plant Component WaterHeater:HeatPump:PumpedCondenser,  !- Actuated Component Type
     On/Off Supervisory;      !- Actuated Component Control Type

     GCB_Operation,           !- Name
     GasCondensingBoiler1,    !- Actuated Component Unique Name
     Plant Component Boiler:HotWater,  !- Actuated Component Type
     On/Off Supervisory;      !- Actuated Component Control Type

     SupplyTempSetpoint,      !- Name
     LoopSetpointManager1,    !- Actuated Component Unique Name
     System Node Setpoint,    !- Actuated Component Type
     Temperature Setpoint;    !- Actuated Component Control Type

  IF (OutdoorTempSensor > 3.0) THEN,
     ! Heat Pump Only Mode: Turn on HP; turn off boiler; set supply temp = 60°C.
     SET HP_Operation = 1,
     SET GCB_Operation = 0,
     SET SupplyTempSetpoint = 60.0,
  ELSEIF ((OutdoorTempSensor <= 3.0) AND (OutdoorTempSensor > -2.0)) THEN,
     ! Hybrid Mode: Both equipment run; set supply temp = 70°C.
     SET HP_Operation = 1,
     SET GCB_Operation = 1,
     SET SupplyTempSetpoint = 70.0,
     ! Boiler Only Mode: Turn off HP; turn on boiler; supply temp = 70°C.
     SET HP_Operation = 0,
     SET GCB_Operation = 1,
     SET SupplyTempSetpoint = 70.0,

  BeginTimestepBeforePredictor,           !-

Thank you

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Have you considered actuating the availability schedules of the equipment objects instead? They are schedules and any schedule value can be actuated.

shorowit's avatar shorowit  ( 2025-02-06 13:00:44 -0600 )edit

@shorowit Thank you for your reply i tried to add availability schedule for the HW boiler by using energy plus but the object not supporting adding schedule can you suggest me if its possible to add availability schedules for hot water boiler item? thank you in advance

Hussien Musa's avatar Hussien Musa  ( 2025-02-06 15:25:46 -0600 )edit

There is an availability schedule on the ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Water (and similar) object.

shorowit's avatar shorowit  ( 2025-02-06 15:33:30 -0600 )edit