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Weekends Occupancy not reflecting in temperatures

asked 2025-02-04 22:35:57 -0600

mther's avatar

updated 2025-02-06 04:48:28 -0600

Hi. I'm in the process of model calibration with indoor temperatures. For context these are measured data from a 4th Floor naturally ventilated classroom in the tropics.

I am experiencing spikes in temperatures on Saturdays when I've set the occupancy during weekends to 0. (I am currently not worried about the weekends matching up with the measured data, as these were measured during inconsistent class schedules.) But if I specified no occupancies on the weekends, then they shouldn't match ideally.

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I am just wondering why there are spikes on Saturdays and low temperatures the Mondays after. There are also Thursdays and Tuesdays with normal occupancy that are significantly cooler than the rest of the week. Is there something I am missing? For reference I am using OS Application and reading the ESO files in DesignBuilder Results Viewer. Thank you.

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EDIT: The entire simulation run seems to be running a day late? As I've seen in the temperature values of one of the rooms with simple window-type airconditioning, the temperature increases on a Monday, when the HVAC is scheduled to be off only on the weekends.

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Take a look at your OTHER schedules: thermostat schedules if any hvac is on, equipment (electric, gas, etc), lights, infiltration, etc.

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2025-02-05 02:36:57 -0600 )edit

Is the climate file for simulation consistent with the weather conditions of your measured data?

PmP's avatar PmP  ( 2025-02-05 02:42:29 -0600 )edit

@Julien Marrec I've checked and removed any unused schedules. This might be from an HVAC system in the room under it Edit: I've deleted the schedules with the HVAC and the same problem also is seen with the HVAC hourly temperatures. The year seems to be simulated as a day late?

@PmP I believe they are fairly consistent, the weather station closest to my site is 9km away.

mther's avatar mther  ( 2025-02-06 04:15:27 -0600 )edit

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answered 2025-02-06 08:47:58 -0600

If the year seems to be simulated as a day late, maybe you need to explicitly specify the first day of the year here:

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I've tried this as well as the UseWeatherFile option (which shifted the dates but now my weekends fall on Mondays and Tuesdays). I get the same issue of Sunday-Monday weekends when using the year 2024 and using Monday as First day of the year.

mther's avatar mther  ( 2025-02-06 11:24:44 -0600 )edit

Do you get the desired result if you use Sunday as first day of the year?

shorowit's avatar shorowit  ( 2025-02-06 12:06:10 -0600 )edit

Unfortunately no, I get the same issue as per this post. I recently tried setting the weekends to Friday and Saturday, and that gave me the desired result strangely, but feels like a cop-out.

mther's avatar mther  ( 2025-02-06 12:15:53 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2025-02-04 22:35:57 -0600

Seen: 49 times

Last updated: Feb 06