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Error: Could not resolve matched surface construction conflicts between surfaces 'X' and 'Y'

asked 2025-02-04 05:39:44 -0600

updated 2025-02-04 08:59:39 -0600

ello, I don't know if you could help me solve this error that I wrote as the title of the ticket. It keeps appearing every time I try to do a simulation with Openstudio of my model, a multi-family residential building. The surfaces that give me an error are all the floor surfaces in contact with a ceiling. At first I thought I hadn't defined the contact surfaces correctly, but in the Sketch Up version I could see that these surfaces were linked as "exterior condition" of the adjoining surface so I don't understand why Open Studio has problems when analyzing the model... I've searched on the internet how to solve that error but I'm not getting any answers to that exact error... Could you help me or give me any advice?

Thank you very much for your time! Industrial engineering student at the UPC

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answered 2025-02-04 09:30:52 -0600

I suspect you've hit an issue similar to this one. Check both floor vs ceiling layered constructions - one needs to be an inverted copy of the other.

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Thank you very much! That was the problem! Thanks!

mariacanoteixido24's avatar mariacanoteixido24  ( 2025-02-05 05:01:37 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2025-02-04 05:39:44 -0600

Seen: 45 times

Last updated: Feb 04